In class


  • Database course project.
  • Based on the framework, developed a database system with advanced features such as LRU cache, ARIES recovery, multi-version concurrency and optimized query processing, boosting performance and reliability.


  • Compiler project: finish a simple compiler based on a framework
  • Based on the framework, implemented a compiler which can compile code with constants, variables, scopes, conditional statements, loop statements, functions, global variables, and array
  • Implemented the Static Single Assignment (SSA) algorithm

RISC-V Pipeline CPU

  • Course project of Computer Organization
  • Completed a five-stage pipeline CPU on which ucore (a small OS) can run.

EAM system

  • Software Engineering project: Enterprise management system
  • Developed EAM system to facilitate asset lifecycle tracking, management control and improve user efficiency through functions such as storage, use, borrowing, transfer and maintenance


  • Deciding the next position of an online game using the MCTS + UCB algorithm

Blogs website

  • Building web pages based on crawled data via Django

Chinese Draughts

  • An online Chinese draughts game using Qt